
The hockey association's activities are run by committees made up of volunteers. Welcome to develop the sport!

Competition committee:

The competition committee takes care of drawing up the association's competition and event calendar, as well as updating the seasonal competition rules. The competition committee appoints series managers who are responsible for the series as agreed.

Chairman: Lennon White ([email protected])
Members: Jari Lehto, Jouni Lounaskorpi, Andrew Scholfield, Klaus Saijonkivi ja Sanna Äyräväinen

Discipline committee 2021-2023:

The assosiations disciplinary code is supervised by the Disciplinary Committee.

Chairman: Olli Rissanen ([email protected])
Members: Jan Nylund, Mikko Hämäläinen, Charlotta Nordling, Piia Koskimaa.

Development committee (junior activity, education, judges):

The goal of the development committee is to spread the sport, make it high-quality and support clubs in grassroots work. Areas of responsibility include e.g. junior activities, educational activities, organization of hobby events and school and educational institution cooperation.

Chairman Henna Viitaniemi ( [email protected])
Members: Noel Cavernelis, Lennon White, Essi Kaipainen, Kimmo Lassila, Johannes Lassila, Elisa Vaittinen, Andrew Scholfield, Minna Mäkelä

High performance:

The national team committee is responsible for the national teams of the Finnish Hockey Association. The committee names the responsible persons and coordinates both the organization of exercises and the participation in international competitions.

Chairman Andrew Scholfield ([email protected])
Members: Jonna Forsblom, Otto-Petteri Ventelä, Mark Verdegaal

Communication committee:

The communication committee is responsible for both internal and external communication within the sport. The committee aims to spread species knowledge and make the species visible, e.g. using social media channels.

Chairman Paula Lehtomäki ([email protected], [email protected])
Members Sanna Äyräväinen, Taryn Baker, Bikramjit Singh, Jouko Lautaoja, Johannes Lassila, Henna Viitaniemi, Tuomas Hämäläinen, Reija Jokinen

Administration, economy, ICT:

The financial and administrative committee is responsible for the association's financial management and the technical maintenance of various systems (website, Torneopal). The committee is also responsible for the association's stakeholder cooperation and responsibility issues (anti-doping, competition manipulation prevention, responsibility program).

Chairman Otto-Petteri Ventelä ([email protected])
Members: Klaus Saijonkivi, Mika Rihtilä, Paula Lehtomäki, Henna Viitaniemi, Johannes Lassila

Chairman: Sanna Äyräväinen,
Members: Noel Cavernelis, Paula Lehtomäki, Alpo Hirvioja